Community Leaders Co-designing and Evaluating The Pledge
Community Leaders Co-designing and Evaluating The Pledge
Compton mayor Aja Brown

Alcalde Aja Brown, Alcalde de Compton

In her two terms as Mayor of Compton, Aja Brown has successfully reducing the city unemployment rate by 50 percent while attracting new companies and employment to the City. Mayor Brown has received a number of honors, including the National Action Network Martin Luther King Award. She holds a Bachelor?s Degree in Public Policy, Urban Planning and Development, along with a Master?s degree in Urban Planning with a concentration in Economic Development, from USC.

Dr. Sharoni Denise Little, CEO, The Strategist Company, LLC

Dr. Sharoni Little is an author, organizational strategist, educator/researcher, global facilitator, and media commentator. Little is also, Head, Global Inclusion Strategy, at Creative Artists Agency, and the former Vice Dean and Senior Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer/Professor at the USC, Marshall School of Business. Little’s expertise centers on social and workplace inclusion, equity, and antiracism, strategic leadership, critical race, and global organizational strategy. A passionate social advocate, she has partnered with numerous organizations, including the Aspen Institute, Obama Foundation, Kellogg Foundation, and the Children?s Defense Fund.

Abigail Lopez-Byrd, Color Compton, Fundadora

Abigail Lopez-Byrd es la fundadora de Color Compton. Al crecer en Compton, Abigail rápidamente se apasionó por las artes y la justicia social. Ella es la primera en su familia en ir a la universidad y ahora tiene una licenciatura de la Universidad de California, Santa Cruz en Arte y Sociología y una maestría de la Universidad de Columbia.
Sandra Moss

Sandra Moss, CUSD, Junta de Síndicos

A resident of Compton since 2000, Sandra Moss works as a deputy probation officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department and serves on the Compton Unified School District?s Board of Trustees. She has served on the PTA and school site councils of three different schools in Compton. In 2007, Moss also founded a mentoring program called ?Rites of Passage,? focused on helping boys between the ages of 14 and 24.

Maritza Agundez, CHIRLA, Abogada gerente

Como abogada con una carrera en el servicio público, Maritza Agundez es la abogada gerente de CHIRLA, la Coalición por los Derechos Humanos e Inmigrantes en Los Ángeles. Ella es miembro del Consejo Asesor Comunitario de Compton Pledge y ha recibido múltiples premios por su trabajo en justicia penal e inmigración.

Lori Gay, NHS, directora ejecutiva

Lori Gay has worked in community development for over 25 years, rebuilding impoverished communities and creating mechanisms for community empowerment and ownership. She is Co-Chair of the NeighborWorks National Community Stabilization Task Force, Chair of the African Diaspora and member of the Race, Ethnicity, Diversity & Inclusion Initiative National Advisory Committee, the JP Morgan Chase Advisory Council, and the Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking among multiple other organizations.

Dra. Kathryn Icenhower, directora ejecutiva de SHIELDS for Families

Dr. Kathryn Icenhower co-founded SHIELDS for Families in 1991. She has worked in the substance abuse and child welfare fields for over 30 years in clinical and administrative positions. SHIELDS programs have been used nationally as models by federal, state and local entities and has been recognized by the Children?s Defense Fund, Washington Health Foundation, National Economic Development and Law Center, and the Rockefeller Foundation for its effective models of service.

Dr. Michael Fisher, Familia de la Iglesia Greater Zion, Pastor

El Dr. Michael Fisher fue licenciado, ordenado y elevado a Pastor de Jóvenes a la edad de 18 años, luego a Pastor a la edad de 25 de la entonces Iglesia Bautista Misionera Little Zion, que ahora es la Familia de la Iglesia Greater Zion. El Dr. Fisher es fundador y director ejecutivo de JT Foundation CDC; Fundador de la Fraternidad Cristiana Alpha Phi Zion; y el visionario del Programa Jóvenes Visionarios y la Iniciativa # PUSH100.

Efraín Garibay, pentecostales de Compton

Efrain Gairbay sirve como pastor a los pentecostales de Compton (la familia POC). Una iglesia apostólica bíblica en Compton, la familia POC proclama que Jesús es el Señor en experiencia, adoración, alabanza, oración, unidad y santidad. La Familia POC es una iglesia dinámica con un corazón para cada persona que entra por nuestras puertas y un enfoque en alcanzar a los perdidos y heridos en nuestra comunidad, tanto en nuestra nación como en todo el mundo.

Greg Pitts, educador

Greg Pitts holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and two masters degrees in education. He began working as a teacher and education specialist in 2003. He has served as the executive board president of the Compton Willow Walk Corporation, as vice-chair of the City of Compton Block Club Commission, as a member of the City of Compton My Brothers Keeper Advisory Council, and as the District 2 Commissioner for the City.

Cynthia Nunn, SYLVIA NUNN ANGELS, Fundadora

Cynthia Nunn fundó Sylvia Nunn Angels (Stop Youth Living Violence in America Need Unity Needing It Now Against Negative Gang Environment Living Straight) después del fallecimiento de su madre y su hermana. Después de presenciar la muerte después de la muerte, y como ex pandillera ella misma, comenzó a pensar en lo que podía hacer para ayudar a las personas, especialmente a los jóvenes. Sylvia Nunn Angels es un centro de recursos y referencias para jóvenes que organiza sorteos anuales sobre períodos escolares y días festivos, con el apoyo de contribuciones del Dr. Dre y el Banco de Alimentos.

Amen Mandela Rahh, University Pathways Public Service Academy, Director

Amen Mandela Rahh is known as the Revolutionary Principal for how he has built and founded University Pathways Public Service Academy, ?The U,? an urban public school in South Central Los Angeles. He was born and raised from Compton and has authored a chapter in Restorative Practices Meets Social Justice as a certified trainer of trainers in Restorative Justice by the Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP).

Yolanda Gomez, Vecinos Unidos Por Compton, Fundadora

Nacida en Durango, México, Yolanda Gómez emigró a Compton a una edad temprana, presenciando y experimentando muchos de los desafíos que la ciudad ha enfrentado a lo largo de los años. Mientras asistía a las reuniones de Compton Advocates, Gomez se comprometió con la participación cívica para mantener informada e involucrada a la comunidad que no habla inglés en un cambio positivo para Compton; entonces fundó Vecinos Unidos Por Compton.

Annabella Bastida, residente

Annabella Bastida is recognized as an effective community leader and advisor to grassroots organizations devoted to advocating for the wellbeing of immigrant families, with over 15 year of experience working in nonprofits. She served as Executive Director of Consejo de Federaciones Mexicanas en Norteamérica (COFEM). Since 2018, she has dedicated herself to ensuring that underrepresented communities are engaged in the 2020 Census effort.

Sara Bomani, Unearth and Empower Communities, fundadora

Sara Bomani es la cofundadora de Unearth and Empower Communities, una organización sin fines de lucro que crea caminos hacia la universidad, el empleo y el espíritu empresarial para los jóvenes de Compton a través del compromiso con la educación y las artes. Bomani ofrece capacitación en educación artística y desarrollo de planes de estudio en escuelas públicas del centro de la ciudad, y es propietaria de Color Your World Design Studio, una empresa boutique de diseño gráfico y educación artística ubicada en Compton. Como la primera Coordinadora de Murales de la Iniciativa Compton, Sara organizó, diseñó y pintó más de 70 murales con la ayuda de miles de voluntarios en las escuelas de todo el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Compton.

Sara Silva, Compton YouthBuild, cofundadora

Sara A. M. Silva is the Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director of EntreNous Youth Empowerment Services, Inc. and serves as Chief Financial and Operations Officer for both Compton YouthBuild & Whittier YouthBuild. Silva?s research focuses on sustaining equitable leadership, educational and occupational opportunities for youth ages 16-24 in economically distressed communities in Los Angeles County.

Tommy Johnson, Originals Nation, miembro

Tommy Johnson was named a ‘rising superstar’ and new leader to watch by Forbes. He reshapes cognitive approaches for traditional business environments. Johnson is a member of Originals Nation, a social enterprise committed to ending Black America?s dilemma of wealth and power. Originals Nation builds group solidarity through economic practices that advance Black interest and unify Black America to obtain economic power.

Jaren Savage, Compton My Brother?s Keeper, Advisor

Jaren Savage is an entrepreneur, journalist, and professional photographer. As a community leader, he has worked as the Lead Youth Mentor and Intern at the Yetunde Price Resource Center, providing monthly mentorship to formerly homeless young men. Jaren also built his leadership through the Broome Family Foundation?s Business Leadership Institute for young men of color and the YMCA?s Youth and Government delegation.
Veronica Clanton-Higgins

Veronica Clanton-Higgins, defensores de Compton

Veronica Clanton-Higgins, miembro de la Junta de Defensores de Compton, es terapeuta, autora, profesora adjunta, asesora de vida certificada y titular de la licencia principal de TEDxComptonBlvd. Originaria de Compton, CA, es conocida por su defensa comunitaria, que incluye abordar las disparidades en la atención de la salud mental para las comunidades negras y marrones. En 2016, se creó VCH Prosperity Consulting, LLC para abordar las necesidades sociales, emocionales y espirituales de su comunidad. Esto se logró mediante la asociación con organizaciones comunitarias para educar a las personas sobre la importancia del bienestar emocional, el cuidado personal y el establecimiento de límites adecuados.