One Fair Wage pledges to support Compton residents because we believe that service workers deserve much more—they deserve to be lifted from poverty into livable wage jobs! We recognize that the economic system we live in was broken and we are offering Compton residents emergency cash transfers and employment opportunities in our CA Worker Cooperative. Let’s build our future together.

We know that guaranteed income can provide support for families needs in different ways. Providing families with additional income can help alleviate the struggle most of them are going through today. I don’t think this could have happened at a better time. We are here to support.

There isn’t a person in this country who doesn’t contribute to society. For too long the social contract has been a one way street of exploitation and extraction. Dignity&Power Now takes the Pledge and stands firmly behind these tangible efforts to exemplify what functional and accountable governance looks like.
Office of Mayor Aja Brown

F4GI is a registered public charity launched in August 2020 to facilitate pilots in multiple cities, beginning with efforts to raise funds for and launch the Compton Pledge. F4GI seeks to create a society characterized by economic equity which grants residents their rightful share of their nation’s wealth. It will act as a steward and champion for guaranteed income, with a focus on racial justice at its core.