Organizations Taking the Pledge
Organizations Taking The Pledge
Black Lives Matter logo
Guaranteed income is an urgent and necessary strategy for addressing the economic realities of racial injustice. I’m thrilled Mayor Brown and Compton are leading the way in this growing national movement.
One Fair Wage logo

One Fair Wage pledges to support Compton residents because we believe that service workers deserve much more—they deserve to be lifted from poverty into livable wage jobs! We recognize that the economic system we live in was broken and we are offering Compton residents emergency cash transfers and employment opportunities in our CA Worker Cooperative. Let’s build our future together.

Our support for the Compton Pledge is as unwavering as our belief in the leadership of Black women. The Compton Pledge recognizes that for so many Black women and the families we hold down it is time for courageous, evidence-based initiatives that breaks cycles of harm and trauma. The Compton Pledge takes us one step closer to actualizing a world where Black people can live freely and thrive.
A New Way of Life takes the Compton Pledge because a guaranteed income can heal our community from oppression, suppression, and poverty. It would support the rehabilitation and transformation. There is no need to continue to exclude and punish people who have been incarcerated.
America’s economy is bolstered when immigrants are included in all economic revitalization efforts by investing in communities where people of color and immigrants live. The Compton Pledge recognizes the opportunity to support immigrants and has committed to do that for ALL Compton residents, regardless of their immigration status in this country.
It is important that we engage the members of the community in order for them to feel empowered. This is why the Compton Pledge is important to our city because it provides access to resources through financial support.
The Brotherhood Crusade is proud to take the pledge and support guaranteed income in the City of Compton. Providing a family with an additional $500 a month can change the narrative of a family who is struggling to keep food on the table. This is a program that is a hand-up for working people.
The National Council is fully in support of the Compton Pledge. We are looking very closely at this alchemy of leaders working with the people who are directly affected by the issues themselves. Whether we win, lose, or draw, it’s going to change things.
The City of Compton’s, My Brother’s Keeper Program supports the Compton Pledge–a transformative community investment to greatly enhance the overall quality of life and economic stability of Compton families, especially our children. The Compton Pledge is an invaluable economic commitment that will help deserving recipients actualize the American Dream.
SHIELDS for Families is honored to stand beside and work with the City of Compton to implement this new initiative and be a part of the positive change for the community and the families who reside in this great City.
We at Originals Nation care most about addressing economic inequalities that reinforce systemic oppression. The Compton Pledge for guaranteed income is a necessary solution that restores well-being for the most vulnerable amongst us.
We believe guaranteed income can help support our youth’s aspirations by alivietaing financial hardships faced by many families. A monthly guaranteed financial assistance can be the deciding factor between a young person pursuing their education and career goals and supporting the financial wellbeing of their family.
I believe in guaranteed income because with additional no strings attached support, the residents of Compton will be able to move towards a more sustainable life from themselves, their families and the entire community.
Compton College logo
Compton College and the Compton Community College District are excited to partner with the Compton Pledge, and we are looking forward to supporting this important endeavor. We know that many of our students are experiencing financial difficulties and challenges with basic life needs during these uncertain times and guaranteed income, for those that are eligible, will help lessen their burden.
unearth and empower communities logo
Unearth and Empower Communities strongly believes in the Compton Pledge because it empowers and supports our community through guaranteed financial and social service resources. If one of us is lifted, we’re all lifted. This is a win for equity.
Sylvia Nunn Angels logo

We know that guaranteed income can provide support for families needs in different ways. Providing families with additional income can help alleviate the struggle most of them are going through today. I don’t think this could have happened at a better time. We are here to support.

There isn’t a person in this country who doesn’t contribute to society. For too long the social contract has been a one way street of exploitation and extraction. Dignity&Power Now takes the Pledge and stands firmly behind these tangible efforts to exemplify what functional and accountable governance looks like. 



Office of Mayor Aja Brown

Mayor Aja Brown made history at 31 as the youngest mayor ever elected in the City of Compton. A national trailblazer, Mayor Brown’s ‘New Vision for Compton’ is a revitalization strategy centered on 12 key principles that focus on family values, quality of life, economic development and infrastructural growth. Mayor Brown has been successful in reducing the unemployment rate by 50 percent in Compton from 18 percent to 9 percent, while attracting new companies and employment to the City.

F4GI is a registered public charity launched in August 2020 to facilitate pilots in multiple cities, beginning with efforts to raise funds for and launch the Compton Pledge. F4GI seeks to create a society characterized by economic equity which grants residents their rightful share of their nation’s wealth. It will act as a steward and champion for guaranteed income, with a focus on racial justice at its core.